MUME (November, 2019)
"Happiness: An Appropriation"
by Carlos E. Palacios (invited curator)
Carla Rippey, Marie-Christine Camus (invited artists)

For its third exhibition, MUME has invited Carlos E. Palacios, a Venezuelan curator established in Mexico, who presented the project "Happiness: An Appropriation". Appropriation and Barthes's Punctum are the essential lines of inquiry of this curatorial essay. Starting from video work of the Franco-Mexican artist Marie Christine Camus, a drawing by the American, Mexico-based artist Carla Rippey, and an archive of found images from the Internet, the project "Happiness: An Appropriation" focuses on the selection of a Punctum: A smile in the middle of tragedy.The third exhibition was opened in November, 2019 in Heumuehlgasse 2A, 1040, Vienna. TEXT: SPA / ENG / GER

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